SENMYOZAN HOKKEJI TEMPLE COMMEMORATES ITS 20TH ANNIVERSARY On the 25th February, 2018, a commemorative ceremony was held for the 20th anniversary of the Senmyozan Hokkeji Temple. In attendance were 11 guest Priests, 6 Japanese Hokkeko members, 24 Taiwanese members,
REPORT ON REV. SHINDO IMAFUKU’S VISIT TO TOGO 1ST – 4TH APRIL 2018 In order to help Togo district to achieve its Shakubuku target, Rev. Imafuku, accompanied by Koto Dr. Kwame Boamah, visited Togo from 1st to 4th April 2018.
Report of the Chief Priest ‘s visit to Tarkwa District
Report of the Chief Priest ‘s visit to Tarkwa District 17th – 18th March, 2018 The Chief Priest, Rev. Shindo Imafuku and Koto, Dr Odame Boamah arrived in Tarkwa on 17th of March. Reverend held leaders meeting before the all
February 2018, High Priest Nichinyo Shonin’s Guidance
Guidance from Sixty-eighth High Priest Nichinyo Shonin On the Occasion of the February Kōsen-rufu Shōdai Ceremony February 4, 2018 Reception Hall, Head Temple Taisekiji On this occasion of the February Kōsen-rufu Shōdai Ceremony, conducted here today at the Head Temple,
ACTIVITY REPORT INAUGURATION OF SOUTH VOLTA DISTRICT OF THE HOKKEJI TEMPLE AT DABALA ON JANUARY 28, 2018 Saturday -27th January 2018 The Chief Priest Rev. Shindo Imafuku and his entourage (Koto, Dr. Kwame Odame Boamah, Mr. Kwame –Gazo Agbenadzie (Kanji)
INUAGURATION OF THE OFFINSO/ AHENKRO DISTRICT BY CHIEF PRIEST REV. SHINDO IMAFUKU 21st January 2018 The Offinso/ Ahenkro District inauguration meeting started at around 9:30am after the initial venue for the meeting was changed at Offinso. We had morning Gongyo
January 2018, High Priest Nichinyo Shonin’s Guidance
Guidance from Sixty-eighth High Priest Nichinyo Shonin On the Occasion of the January Kōsen-rufu Shōdai Ceremony January 1, 2018 Reception Hall, Head Temple Taisekiji In this early spring of the 766th anniversary of the establishment of true Buddhism, “The
Celebrate the New Year’s Day
NEW YEAR’S MIDNIGHT GONGYO 31st December, 2017 The Midnight Gongyo started at exactly 12:00 a.m. The ceremony started with morning Gongyo , led by the Chief Priest, Reverend Shindo Imafuku; after which he gave his congratulatory message. The National
December 2017, High Priest Nichinyo Shonin’s Guidance
Guidance from Sixty-eighth High Priest Nichinyo Shonin On the Occasion of the December Kōsen-rufu Shōdai Ceremony December 3, 2017 Reception Hall, Head Temple Taisekiji On this occasion of the December Kōsen-rufu Shōdai Ceremony, the last Kōsen-rufu Shōdai Ceremony of
November 2017, High Priest Nichinyo Shonin’s Guidance
Guidance from Sixty-eighth High Priest Nichinyo Shonin On the Occasion of the November Kōsen-rufu Shōdai Ceremony November 5, 2017 Reception Hall, Head Temple Taisekiji Good morning, everyone! On this occasion of the November Kōsen-rufu Shōdai Ceremony, conducted here