31st December, 2017
The Midnight Gongyo started at exactly 12:00 a.m. The ceremony started with morning Gongyo , led by the Chief Priest, Reverend Shindo Imafuku; after which he gave his congratulatory message.
The National Youth Leader, Mr. Anokye Appiah announced the programme for the New Year Gongyo and Kosen-rufu Chanting. The attendance at the meeting was 803.
The meeting came to a close at about 1:00a.m.
1st January, 2018
The New Year Day ceremony started on a good note as most members were seated by 8:45 a.m. before Chief Priest, Rev. Shindo Imafuku started the ceremony at exactly 9:00am with ceremonial Gongyo and one hour Kosen-rufu shodai, Gojukai and Gohonzon acceptance portion. Twenty-six people (26) took gojukai and four (4) accepted the Gohonzon.
Nana Tieku Baah I read the High Priest New Year’s message. High Priest encouraged us in this year slogan, “the Year of Action”, to further strengthen our unity and conduct shakubuku activities to the full extent of our abilities. The High Priest further stressed the importance that the key to achieve our objectives is forming the unity based on the spirit of itai dōshin. In other words, it is absolutely essential for all believers in the Hokkeko chapter to uphold a strong resolution, in the same spirit, to accomplish the objectives, and for everyone to carry out shakubuku in the unity of itai dōshin. Mr. Kwame-Gazo Agbenyadzie read the message from the Overseas Department Chief, Rev. Gyoyu Urushibata. On the basis of Nichiren Shoshu Head Office slogan for this year – “The Year of Action,” Rev. Urushibata, explained the three practical points for overseas believers. The three practical points are as follows:
- Achieve your shakubuku goal by doing Gongyō and Shōdai every day
- Attend the Okō Ceremony every month and bring your family, guests, and fellow believers to all of the ceremonies and meetings
- Go on tozan to deepen your faith and encourage others to make a pilgrimage to develop their faith
Chief Priest, Rev. Shindo Imafuku gave his message for the New Year. He first expressed gratitude to all members for their efforts to be present at the meeting. Rev. Imafuku emphasised that since this year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Senmyozan Hokkeji Temple, and for us to have a successful anniversary, every member should chant at least one-hour shodai a day from 1st January, to 19th February (50 Days) of Daimoku – the 50 day daimoku challenge. Chief Priest encouraged us to follow the guidance of High Priest and build strong unity among members of the Hokkeko for us to achieve our Shakubuku goals. He concluded his message by urging us; never to lose sight of the importance of our daily practice of gongyo and shodai.
Koto, Dr. Kwame Boamah, encouraged members that every member should participate in the 50 Day Daimoku for us to having a successful ceremony. He again encouraged every member to contribute to the completion of the on-going temple renovation works especially the “Men Division Building”. Mr. Kwame Bediako Aboagye gave the vote of thanks. After which we had the commemorative pictures, evening Gongyo, and saki for the achievement of our shakubuku target this year.
The total attendance at meeting is 946.
The meeting came to a close at around 2:15pm.