The Chief Priest Rev. Shindo Imafuku and Dr. Kwame Odame Boamah (Koto) made a two day visit to Sunyani from Saturday July 1st to Sunday July 2nd, 2017.
At 6:00pm on Saturday, leaders’ meeting was held after evening Gongyo. Seven leaders were in attendance. There was a discussion on how we can strengthen and assist outstation blocks within the district to be strong in their activities. Chief Priest Rev Imafuku asked on the various challenges that the district face with regards to achieving its shakubuku target. After various concerns were raised, Chief Priest encouraged members on how they can achieve their target. It was followed by personal experiences from Koto. Chief Priest urged each and every member to participate in the hundred days Daimoku Shodai. The meeting came to a close at 7:00 pm.
On Sunday July 2, district general meeting with the Chief Priest was held at the meeting centre. The meeting started at exactly 9:00am with one hour Shodai followed by morning Gongyo.
After Gongyo, Rev. Imafuku conducted Gojukai ceremony for 17 new members, which adds up to 19 members in shakubuku achievement. This means the district was able to exceed its shakubuku target for the year.
The District leader Mr Kyei Donkor, officially welcomed Chief Priest, Koto and the entire members for attending this general meeting. Rev. Imafuku then presented his Okyobi lecture for July with a Twi translation by Mr. Paul Anhwere. After Chief Priest has delivered his lecture, there were questions and answers section, where members had the opportunity to ask questions relating to the lecture and other areas they lacked understanding. After giving responses to all questions, Rev. Imafuku outlined the four instances that will make a prayer by Nichiren Shoshu believer go unanswered.
Dr Kwame Odame Boamah (Koto) congratulated the members for being the 3rd Ghanaian district to achieve its shakubuku target for the year 2017 and also urged members to continue conducting shakubuku since Ghana as a whole is yet to achieve its shakubuku target. He also took this opportunity to introduce the newly appointed leaders for the district.
After few announcements, Mr Kyei Donkor in his closing remarks thanked the Chief Priest and Koto and went further to say that this big achievement was as result of the shared determination by leaders to chant at least two hours Daimoku from June 1st to July 1st, 2017. It was followed by evening Gongyo and a commemorative picture.
In all, a total of 69 members from Techimantia, Offuman, Dadiesoaba , Berekum and Sunyani were in attendance.