Guidance from Sixty-eighth High Priest Nichinyo Shonin

On the Occasion of the March Kōsen-rufu Shōdai Ceremony

March 6, 2016

Reception Hall, Head Temple Taisekiji



Good morning everyone!  On this occasion of the March Kōsen-rufu Shōdai Ceremony, conducted here today at the Head Temple, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to the large number of participants in attendance.  The month of March in this “Year of Advancing Further in our Shakubuku Activities” already has begun.  I imagine that all of you are devoting yourselves to your practice every spare moment, aiming toward the achievement of this year’s shakubuku goals.


Shakubuku is our profound mission, given to us by our Founder Nichiren Daishonin, the True Buddha in the Latter Day of the Law.  It also is the most important Buddhist practice that we must carry out, in order to attain Buddhahood in this lifetime.  The Daishonin teaches the following in the Gosho, Questions and Answers on Embracing the Lotus Sutra (Jimyō hokke mondō-shō):


Single-mindedly chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo and encourage others to do the same.  This will remain as your only memory from this present, human life. (Gosho, p. 300)


Indeed, we have been born into the world of humanity—which is rarely achieved, and we have the good fortune to have encountered the true Buddhism of our Founder Nichiren Daishonin, the True Buddha in the Latter Day of the Law. Furthermore, we will be welcoming the auspicious occasion of the 800th Anniversary of the Advent of our Founder Nichiren Daishonin in five years.  At this time, I believe that it is of paramount importance for all of us to offer our sincere gratitude for encountering this rare opportunity.  At the same time, we must devote our lives to do shakubuku, literally as our “only memory from this present, human life.”  We are aiming toward the propagation of the true Law throughout the entire world, as we pursue our immediate goal of achieving a membership of 800,000 Hokkeko believers by 2021.  Let us repay our debts of gratitude to the three treasures by accomplishing this great objective.


I strongly feel this way, especially when I see the current situation where many people are suffering the direst distress, due to the fact that the Soka Gakkai and other heretical teachings currently are rampant in society.  The Daishonin teaches the following in the Gosho, Questions and Answers between a Sage and a Foolish Man (Shōgu mondō-shō):


The world today is defiled with impurities.  People’s minds are distorted, filled with envy, and provisional and slanderous teachings abound.  This makes it difficult for the true Law to be propagated.  At such a time, it is of no use to practice the reading, reciting, and transcribing of sutras, or to contemplate, meditate, or discipline oneself.  You simply must perform shakubuku.  You should powerfully vanquish slanderous teachings and use the doctrines to censure erroneous teachings to the best of your ability.

(Gosho, p. 403)


Now is the time for us to steadfastly chant the Daimoku based on the three categories of action: thoughts, words, and deeds, just as the Daishonin’s golden words teach.  Then, with the benefit and joy from chanting the Daimoku, we resolutely must devote ourselves to do shakubuku—refuting heresy and revealing the truth—based on our great aspiration to save all living beings.  We must stand our ground, no matter what obstacle or devil may arise.  Let’s never forget that our own happiness, as well as the happiness of others, can only be realized through conducting shakubuku powerfully, with courage and faith.


The Daishonin teaches the following in the Gosho, Attaining Enlightenment at the Initial Stage of Faith through the Lotus Sutra (Hokke shoshin jōbutsu-shō):


If they hear the Lotus Sutra, which enables people to attain Buddhahood, this [encounter] will sow the seed of [Buddhahood] into their lives and they eventually will attain enlightenment without fail.  Therefore, Tiantai and Miaole follow this notion and expound in their commentaries that they should tirelessly teach the Lotus Sutra.  It is like those who falter and fall to the ground and who are able to use that very ground to push themselves up to stand again.  In the same way, even if they descend into hell, they will rise again before long and attain Buddhahood.  The people in the world today have turned their backs on the Lotus Sutra and, for that offense, they will undoubtedly fall into hell.  Therefore, in any case, one should strongly teach and make people listen to the teachings of the Lotus Sutra.  Those who follow and take faith in it will be able to attain enlightenment, and even those who slander it will likewise attain Buddhahood in the end through the poison-drum relationship. (Gosho, p. 1316)


As you know, this Gosho passage indicates the attainment of enlightenment through a reverse relationship.  The “poison-drum relationship” refers to a metaphor expounded in the Nirvana Sutra.  When a drum smeared with poison is beaten, all those who hear the sound of the drum will instantly die.  In other words, even those who slander the Law, whether they wish to hear it or not, will be able to attain enlightenment in the end, through the relationship of hearing the Lotus Sutra.  The great benefit of the mystic Law (Myōhō) certainly can save those who have a positive relationship with the Buddha.  But it also can save those who have a reverse relationship.


Even we, the people in the Latter Day of the Law, who are heavily tainted by the five impurities, inherently possess the Buddha nature.  When people hear the correct teaching, their Buddha nature will function as it should. In time, everyone will be able to attain enlightenment.


All the people in the Latter Day of the Law, both those with a positive relationship and those with a negative relationship, can attain Buddhahood without exception, through hearing and taking faith in Myoho-Renge-Kyo of sowing the seed of the true cause of the True Buddha Nichiren Daishonin.


The Daishonin expounds the following in the Gosho, On Chanting the Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra (Shō hokke daimoku-shō):


In the Latter Day of the Law, there are many who do not possess the seed of Buddhahood.  There are only a few who possess it.  Thus, there is no doubt that the people [in the Latter Day of the Law] will fall into the evil paths. [Since they are going to fall into the evil paths one way or another,] we should strongly teach and make them listen to the Lotus Sutra and let them form a poison-drum relationship with it.  Thus, now is certainly the time to create a reverse relationship by propagating the Lotus Sutra.

(Gosho, p. 231)


Even though you may face opposition from a person whom you are trying to shakubuku, he or she will take faith in the end, by forming a reverse relationship with the Buddha, through sowing the seed of Myoho-Renge-Kyo into this person’s heart. The Daishonin teaches, “In any case, one should strongly teach and make people listen to the teachings of the Lotus Sutra.”  Thus, it is extremely important for us to step forward and do shakubuku with courage and conviction, despite any obstacle that may arise.


Today, both the priesthood and laity of Nichiren Shoshu are making concerted efforts to do shakubuku in the spirit of itai dōshin, aiming toward our goal of achieving a membership of 800,000 Hokkeko believers by 2021, when we will commemorate the 800th Anniversary of the Advent of our Founder Nichiren Daishonin.  At this time, I express my wish that all of us, as disciples and believers of Nichiren Daishonin, will further devote ourselves to our practice, and that the members of each chapter will unite together and exert their utmost efforts, so that they will have no regrets, as we advance toward the achievement of our shakubuku goals.


I sincerely pray for your continued hard work.


March 6, 2016, High Priest Guidance
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