About Us

About Us

 Nichiren Shoshu of Ghana is a duly registered religious organisation in Ghana. The objective of the organisation is to learn, practise correctly and propagate Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism under the guidance of the Nichiren Shoshu Head Temple. Through correct and sincere

What is Buddhism?

What is Buddhism?

The word “Buddha” is an honorific title meaning, “a person enlightened to the ultimate reality of life.” A Buddha understands that all existence, all life, both animate and inanimate, and all occurrences are the expression of one mystic entity permeating

Contact Us

Contact Us

Location : Temple Street, Fan Milk Junction, Ablekuma in the Ga Central Municipality, Accra      

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Temple Activities

Chief Priest’s Visit to Benin
https://www.senmyozanhokkejitemple.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/NICHIREN-SHOSHU-BENIN.pdf ...

/ Activities

Gosho for October 2024

"I am profoundly upholding the teaching that the Lotus Sutra reigns supreme above all the sutras the Buddha has preached, now preaches, and will preach. I have been chanting the Daimoku, the essence of the Lotus Sutra, myself, and encouraging others [to do the same]. The winding mugwort grows straight when it is planted in a hemp field. A crooked tree can be cut into straight lumber by following the sumi ink mark. Likewise, when you chant the Daimoku exactly as taught in the Lotus Sutra, your heart will never go astray. As a matter of course, you must understand that if the Buddha’s heart did not enter our bodies, we would not be able to chant the Daimoku."

(“Letter to Myomitsu Shonin”) (Gosho, p. 967) )

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